Lumine AI

透過整合管理介面,簡單幾步驟即可管理知識、訓練模型及參數,大幅降低 AI 使用門檻,讓企業快速生成私有的 GPT 機器人!


Let's Create A New Bot!

建立【一般】機器人|Create a Common Bot



Once setup is complete, Bot chat can be initiated immediately without any KMs. Ex. Translation Bot, Chat Bot.


建立【知識】機器人|Create a Knowledge Bot



Once data is ready and provided for Bots to learn, chats can be initiated. Ex. Ext Number Bot, HR Guide Bot.


Lumine AI 如何運作?

How Lumine AI Works?

Lumine AI 將企業知識存放於獨立資料庫,並整合使用者輸入的提示詞,作向量化處理,截取提示詞需要的資料,傳送到生成式 AI,再結合生成式 AI 回覆使用者。

Enterprise knowledge is stored in a separate database. When users input prompts, Lumine AI will integrate and vectorize the prompts, and then extract the relevant data to generative AI. Finally, responses will be combined from the generative AI to reply to users.